
Showing posts from July, 2021

What Is the IAS Exam Pattern?

The Civil Services IAS exam is held by UPSC every year. The IAS exam pattern comprises three stages: the Prelims stage, Mains examination, and Personality interview. Each of the three levels in the IAS exam pattern happen to be carried out by Union Public Service Comission. Initial Phase in IAS Exam Pattern The Preliminary or simply CSAT is the 1st level within the three level civil services exam. It's usually conducted around second or possibly third Sunday each May in which around one and a half lac IAS hopefuls turn up for the civil services Preliminary. The Prelims comprises of a couple of papers of two hundred scores equally common to all prospects. Questions about Indian constitutional set up, current affairs, GK, History, Geography, General Science, and Financial system are typically expected during the first paper of civil services Prelims. While the 2nd paper comprises of queries about mental ability, comprehension, logical analysis, English passage, statistics, and decisi

Inside India’s giant IAS coaching factories: Hope, hype and big money

  UPSC exams  – gateway to the top posts in the country – have spawned a thriving coaching industry whose claims are increasingly under the scanner. New Delhi : Each year after the results of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exams for the civil services are announced, coaching classes go on an advertising spree — some claiming that at least 200 to 300 of their candidates have made the cut; others relying on the names of that year’s toppers to influence prospective candidates. In 2017 for instance, ALS, a coaching centre based in Delhi claimed that 244 of the 990 selected were its students, while Vajiram and Ravi, another popular coaching institute, claimed to have had 400 plus selections.   The Delhi-based Chanakya claimed 355 of those selected were its candidates. The numbers hardly ever add up for an examination that is considered among the toughest, not only in terms of content but also for the sheer percentage of those who finally make the grade. Take 2017 for instance. Of th